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Juan Fernandez-Barquin, ESQ.
Clerk of the Court and Comptroller
of Miami-Dade County

Central Depository Child Support & Alimony

The Central Depository Child Support and Alimony Office maintains a  local Central Depository to receive and process court-ordered payments. 

The Central Depository works primarily with two state entities: the local state attorney’s office (SAO), and the state of Florida disbursement unit (FLSDU) in Tallahassee.

Receive Payments

Payments processed by the Central Depository are deposited in the bank and either sent as a direct deposit to the payee's account or to the Department of Revenue (DOR) when the state attorney was involved with the court order. If the payee has not arranged for direct deposit, a check will be issued to the payee from the Central Depository account. 

In the event a check is required, all checks issued by the Central Depository Child Support and Alimony Office and not involving the state attorney’s office, are mailed directly to the custodial parent within 48 hours.   

If a state attorney  was involved with the court order, an electronic disbursement covering all such payments received by the Central Depository is issued to the Department of RevenueFor more information, call 305-530-2600 or visit the State Attorney’s Office website.

These electronic disbursements are sent by overnight delivery to the Department of Revenue and that department then becomes responsible for sending out individual payments to the payee. 

Please visit My Florida County to view your recent payments.

Direct Deposit

The Central Depository uses direct deposit to electronically disperse alimony or child support payments directly into the bank account of the party receiving support. 

You may sign up for direct deposit by filling out the authorization form and either mail it in or email it to

For state attorney’s cases, fill out the fillable form and follow the given instructions.  

 Direct deposit offers the following benefits: 
  • Payments are deposited directly into your bank account 
  • Payments are always confidential 
  • Payments are not subject to postal delays 
  • Payments are not lost or stolen 
  • Payments always arrive quickly and safely, regardless of whether you are homebound, ill or on vacation 

If you need to change your direct deposit, complete a new enrollment form and follow the given instructions. 

Remember to always include case numbers on all correspondence. 

After the Central Depository receives your completed authorization form, we will contact your bank to set up the direct deposits. Please allow two weeks for direct deposit to take effect.  

Meanwhile, Central Depository will disburse payments through check all payments that arrive after the receipt of an authorization form and before the start of the direct deposits. 

For questions, please call Central Depository at 305-275-1122 or email them at Phone lines are open Monday - Friday daily from 9 a.m. - 11:59 a.m.

Notice of delinquency 

If you are a payee and not receiving your ordered payments, you may request a Notice of Delinquency be sent to the payor. To do so, please send a written request with a clear copy of your valid driver license or identification card to the Central Depository.

Suspension of Driver License

If you are a payee and not receiving your ordered payments, you may apply to suspend the obligor’s driver license. For Department of Revenue cases, contact the state attorney’s office customer service at 305-530-2600 for enforcement. 
For Non-Department of Revenue cases, send a written request with a clear copy of your valid driver license or identification card to the Central Depository

Pay your child support and alimony

Payments for child support, alimony and other related obligations can be made to the FLSDU, Central Depository or online. Payments can only be mailed to the FLSDU, but can be either mailed or made in person at the Central Depository. Please contact the Central Depository if you are unsure which applies to you.   

Payments received from employers or payors will be accepted on state attorney cases. The FLSDU has advised that all non-employer payments received on non-state attorney’s office cases will no longer be processed.

Only payments paid by an employer will be accepted on non-state attorney’s office cases and must include the pay period ending date in order to be processed.

Non-employer payments can be made in person at our Central Depository cashier window, Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., by mailing a money order or cashier’s check, made payable to Central Depository, or online at My Florida County. A processing fee will be charged for paying online. 

Letter Requests

To obtain a copy of a case closure letter, submit a written request to the Central Depository and include a clear copy of your valid identification (i.e., driver license).  To obtain a clearance/housing/immigration letter, you may appear in person at the Central Depository cashier window, Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., or by mailing a money order or cashier’s check payable to Central Depository. There is a $7 fee for a clearance/housing/ immigration letter. 

Establishing Child Support

For information concerning establishing a child support case, please contact Central Depository or the state attorney. If you need help with pro-se (self-litigated) filings to establish,  modify, or terminate your child support case, please visit the Family Court Self-Help Program located at Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center or call 305-349-7800

Related Fees

  • Statutory fee - 4% with $5.25 maximum
  • Delinquency fee - $25
  • Contest fee - $25
  • Final judgment fee - $25
  • Pay-off statement fee - $25
  • Suspension of Driver License - $25

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