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Juan Fernandez-Barquin, ESQ.
Clerk of the Court and Comptroller
of Miami-Dade County

Records Library

Copies of all recorded documents, along with the indexes, are maintained in the Records Library. You can request certified copies of these documents online, by mail and in person.

Recorded documents consist of:
  • Deeds
  • Mortgages
  • Satisfactions
  • Releases 
  • Assignments of mortgages
  • Claims of liens
  • Financial statements
  • Affidavits
  • Judgments
  • Civil court orders

The cost for obtaining a copy of a document is $1 per page and $2 to certify.

Request all Recorded Documents

You can request copies of all recorded documents online, by mail or in person.

You can also perform a search via the internet for most recorded documents from 1974 to present. Documents prior to 1974 are in the process of being made available on the web. An Advanced Search is available for a fee and enables more complex searches.

If you would like to request a search by mail, you need to include the full name and type of document you would like searched.

If you are requesting a deed or mortgage, include the legal description or address of the property.

Send your request to:
22 NW First Street, 2 Floor
Miami, FL  33128


All recorded documents can be researched in the records library by:
  • Party’s name
  • Last name First Name (ex: Last Name (space) First Name or Company Name)
  • Clerk’s File Number (CFN)
  • Legal description (subdivision name, lot, block, plat book and page)
  • Official Records Book and Page

The Records staff can perform search of records for a fee, or the public can be assisted with their search using the public computers. The fee for searches is $2 per name per year.

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