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Juan Fernandez-Barquin, ESQ.
Clerk of the Court and Comptroller
of Miami-Dade County

Amendment 10 - Frequently Asked Questions

Will our pay be negatively impacted?

For employees transferring to and who are currently under the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, your pay will not be negatively impacted.

Will the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller continue to be part of the FRS? And will my current service credit hours be recognized when I transition to the new department?

The independent Constitutional Officers are considered compulsory employers/participants in the FRS. Transferred employees will not lose their previously accrued Florida Retirement System (FRS) time and will continue to accrue time in the FRS in accordance with FRS rules. Employees are encouraged to contact FRS to ask specific questions regarding their unique circumstances.

Will employees with over 30 years of service receive all their benefits?

For employees transferring to and who are currently under the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, yes, you will continue to receive all existing benefits associated with years of service.

Will the pay increases change when you're maxed out at 10 years? Will there be pay increases after 10 years on a yearly basis?

All Clerk of the Court and Comptroller employees will continue to follow all pay progression provisions included in existing collective bargaining agreements through 2026. The same benefits will be afforded for all non-bargaining employees.

The union currently in place is for Miami Dade County employees, right? So, when the constitutional offices separate, the employees within those offices would need to create a new union, correct? Is there any protection in place to prevent from employers retaliating against their employees from creating a union?

For employees transferring to and who are currently under the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, the Clerk has agreed to honor all existing collective bargaining agreements through 2026.

Currently I am in DROP, will be 3 years in February 2024 and will also turn 65 in February. I have a significant amount of sick time (approximately 1,000 hours) that was planning to collect at my separation from the County in 2 or 2 1/2 more years. Will I lose my sick time in the transition?

No, you will not lose your sick time. For employees transferring to and who are currently under Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, the Clerk has agreed to honor any existing leave balances.

I'm an employee of Clerk of the Board (COB). How would the transition affect my job title, benefits, and salary?

For COB employees, the transition will be seamless. What you have today, you will continue to have after the transition date.

Are we going to be County employees, State employees, or other?

With the passage of Amendment 10 to the Florida Constitution, all employees transferred and who are currently under the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller will become part of a new local governmental entity known as "Clerk of the Court and Comptroller of Miami-Dade County".

Are we going to be under the mayor’s purview?

Effective the transition date, all Clerk of the Court and Comptroller employees will no longer fall under the purview of the Mayor.

Leave Benefits:  Are the sick and annual time going to be transferred over?  How is it going to be handled?

For employees transferring to and who are currently under the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, all existing leave balances will be honored, and future accruals will follow the existing accrual formulas.

What about those employees that have accumulated AD time, would that time be transferred, reimbursed, or will it be lost?

For employees transferring to and who are currently under the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, your existing administrative leave balance will be honored. However, a memorandum will be required signed by your current supervisor confirming the amount of administrative leave you have available as of the transition date.

Would insurance benefits (medical, dental and vision) remain the same? Will the monthly premium we pay for dependents and family medical insurance policies remain the same?

All employees under the Clerk of the Court and Comptroller will continue to benefit from the existing medical, dental, life and vision programs offered through Miami-Dade County. Your monthly premiums will remain the same and will only change when the Miami-Dade County modifies its programs.

What about seniority?  Will all the years worked for the County be validated?

The Clerk of the Court and Comptroller has agreed to honor your existing years of services (seniority).

Will the retirement benefits remain the same (Pension and Investment plans)?

The independent Constitutional Officers are considered compulsory employers/participants in the FRS. Transferred employees will not lose their previously accrued Florida Retirement System (FRS) time and will continue to accrue time in the FRS in accordance with FRS rules. Employees are encouraged to contact FRS to ask specific questions regarding their unique circumstances.

Will our pay remain the same? How will salaries be determined?

The Clerk of the Court and Comptroller will honor the existing pay plan.

Will our salaries remain the same and do we receive pay steps with our annual performance evaluations?

The Clerk of the Court and Comptroller will follow all provisions within the existing collective bargaining agreements including employee step progression associated with performance evaluations. For non-bargaining unit employees and/or employee on salary ranges, pay adjustments will be part of the performance evaluations process as allowed within the employee's pay range.

Do employees keep the current union? Would the positions have the same bargaining agreements?

The Clerk of the Court and Comptroller has agreed to honor all existing collective bargaining agreements through 2026.

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